Words & Phrases We Mispronounce

It’s so easy for us to mispronounce words, or phrases, especially here in South Louisiana….we’re all guilty of it. Business Insider compiled a list of words and phrases we may be mispronouncing….mais’ dey not cajun words, but still used everyday!

  • 1.  “Scapegoat.”  Some people say “escape goat.”  Scapegoat is someone who takes the blame.

  • 2.  “Biding your time.”  Some people say “biting your time,” the word “bide” means “to wait for.”

  • 3.  “Play it by ear.”  It’s a music term.  If you play it by ear, you’re doing it without reading sheet music.

  • 4.  “Pass muster,” which means you’re meeting a certain standard.  Some people think it’s “pass mustard.”

  • 5.  “Moot point” . . . spelled M-O-O-T.  It usually means something’s irrelevant or hypothetical.  Some people say “MUTE point”

Do you have any words or phrases people often mispronounce? Let us know below!

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