Most Common April Fools’ Day Pranks

According to a new survey, here are the eight most common pranks people pull on April Fools’ Day.  You can either use these to plan your last-minute prank, or to give you a heads up on what to watch out for today!

  • 1.  Mind game pranks, like rearranging someone’s furniture and pretending nothing looks out of the ordinary.
  • 2.  Scare tactics, like putting a fake spider on a person’s chair.
  • 3.  Lying pranks, like telling your significant other you’re pregnant.
  • 4.  A prank phone call.
  • 5.  A food-related prank, like toothpaste in an Oreo.
  • 6.  A “make things inaccessible” prank, like putting a stapler in Jell-O.
  • 7.  An elaborate prank that you film for YouTube.
  • 8.  A “toilet humor” prank, like cellophane on a toilet seat or putting fake poop in someone’s coffee.

Another survey also found –

  • 1.  64% of people are planning to pull a prank today.
  • 2.  The 10 people we’re most likely to prank are:  Our spouse or significant other, a friend, our kids, a coworker, mom, our boss, dad, a neighbor, a roommate and a pet.
  • 3.  Only 2% of people would pull a prank on an enemy.
  • 4.  The most common reactions to getting pranked are to smile and admit it was good, prank the person back, get mad but get over it, keep a poker face and don’t react and quietly get furious.
  • 5.  2% of people say they’d end a friendship over a prank.

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