If you ‘made a pass’ through Breaux Bridge over the years, you’ve probably noticed the ‘Happy Birthday’ signs and posters fastened onto a brick wall. You will see this ‘wall’ when you are driving towards Downtown Breaux Bridge from Rees St. (Hwy. 328). As you encounter the red light at the E. Bridge St. (Hwy 336) intersection, look to the right…and you will see the ‘Happy Birthday’ wall!
Recently, The BIG Morning Show had lunch at Cafe Sydni Mae, and noticed all of the ‘happy birthday’ posters.
It brought up the question, “When did the tradition begin?” and is there an official name for the wall?
You may be reading this story, and know the answer to the question….if you do, please comment below. We are also asking this question on our Facebook page, so check back soon…we’re almost certain we will find the answer!

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