LARC’s Anything Over Rice Cookoff/Car & Hot Rod Showcase

Get your team signed up for our Anything Over Rice Cookoff and Car and Hot Rod Showcase on Saturday, May 20, 2023.

If you are interested in signing up a team for the cookoff Contact Rusty Noel at 337-257-0237.

Awards will be given in 3 categories: judge’s choice, people’s choice and showmanship (decorating of booth).

Cooking teams to arrive/start cooking by 7am. Opens to the public at 10am.

Admission: $10 for adults, $5 for children.

Window Art by Alexis will be doing face paintings, TBB Jumps 337-458-0416 will have a fun jump set up & we will have LIVE ENTERTAINMENT by Matt Castille!!!!!!

This is an event the WHOLE family can enjoy!!