Welcome to the first episode of 'Moore Recipes to Love by Wendy.' This exclusive web feature will be all about food and the journey of Wendy Moore Tiedemann. Wendy is a local mom and foodie, with a passion for cooking! A few years back Wendy lost her husband Dave. They both had a dream to release a cookbook, and did just that. Before Dave passed away, they were able to release 'Moore Recipes to Love' and sold over 3,000 copies. Over 80 recipes were in the original release, but Dave and Wendy had 'Moore.' Which led to part 2, Wendy's new cookbook 'Even Moore Recipes to Love."
Below is info on how you can purchase your cookbook and our very 1st Audio Episode! Enjoy!
This first episode takes us back to where Wendy's cookbook journey began!
Contact Wendy to purchase your very own copy of 'Moore Recipes to Love' or 'Even Moore Recipes to Love" - 337 - 280 - 9879
You can also interact with Wendy on her Facebook Page
Moore Recipes To Love The Beginning