

White Beans

White Beans This can be served as a side dish or an entree! I like it with fried catfish or smothered round steak. Heck, you can even make it a soup! 1 lb bag of Great Northerns 1 link smoked ...Read more

White Beans

This can be served as a side dish or an entree! I like it with fried catfish or smothered round steak. Heck, you can even make it a soup!

1 lb bag of Great Northerns

1 link smoked sausage, cut

1/2 lb of cut ham hocks (or cut ham)

1 small yellow onion, chopped

1/2 bell pepper, chopped

1 stalk celery, chopped

3-4 cups of chicken broth

3-4 cups of water



cajun seasoning


At the end, I will give a few shortcuts to make this even easier!

Soak beans in water for at least a few hours. I did mine when I left for work in the morning. I change the water at least once.

In a large pot, add a few tablespoons of oil. Over medium heat, add vegetables once the oil is hot. Stir for a few minutes. Add meats and saute for another 10 minutes or so. Add a little more oil if needed.

After everything is heated and vegetables are cooked down, stir in beans (drained of liquid). Immediately add two cups of water and two cups of broth. Season with salt, pepper, and cajun seasoning. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat for ten minutes.

Reduce heat to low and cover. Simmer for 203 hours, stirring every 10 minutes or so. Add additional liquid as needed.

When done, serve over rice.

Always taste along the way to check for seasoning and beans consistency. I like to cook until the beans are soft. Some people like them a little firmer.

Also, if you want this to be more of a soup, add more liquid.

Super shortcut: heat ham hocks, sausage and/or ham in oil. Once browned, just pour in a can or two of Blue Runner White Beans (I think they use navy beans).


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