
st mary parish government

Interview with St. Mary Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness

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Interview with St. Martin Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness

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vermilion parish homeland security

Interview with Vermilion Homeland Security Concerning Hurricane Barry

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Interview with Slemco in Preparation for Barry

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Interview with LUS as they Prepare for Barry

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entergy logo

Interview with Entergy in Preparation for Barry

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Camp Bon Coeur Trivia Nite

Strut your savvy, brandish your brains and exhibit your expertise at Trivia Nite! Show off your smarts and fund raise for fun. Register/Tickets  Teams Registration is $300 for 6 – 8 players. ...Read more

Strut your savvy, brandish your brains and exhibit your expertise at Trivia Nite! Show off your smarts and fund raise for fun.


Teams Registration is $300 for 6 - 8 players. Includes dinner, snacks and two drink tickets per player.

Bring extra bucks for games, mulligans and some of the most delectible cakes you can ever hope to taste.

Our Table Decorating Contest is back! This year's theme is "Space" so plan your decorations, grab your friends and get ready to have a fun night that is "out of this world."

Register soon before the tables are all gone!

Doors open at 5:00, Trivia begins promptly at 6:00.


Big Brothers Big Sisters’ Murder Mystery Dinner

Early Bird tickets are on sale now for Big Brothers Big Sisters’ 2019 Murder Mystery Dinner!  3-Course Dinner by Joey’s of Lafayette and Mystery “Tito’s” Cocktails ...Read more

Early Bird tickets are on sale now for Big Brothers Big Sisters' 2019 Murder Mystery Dinner!  3-Course Dinner by Joey's of Lafayette and Mystery "Tito's" Cocktails (2) included. Cash Bar. Silent Auction. Live Auction.


The Tonylou Awards Show begins at the door as celebrity gossip columnist Constance Gabbles greets (and insults) each celebrity. Then we turn the show over to your talented host T.J. Hardcastle and the ceremony is officially underway. But wait, is there trouble in paradise? Lorna Lush, has been diva, is toting more than booze. Monty Carlo might be a star in his own country, but his English is almost unintelligible. Celia B. DeMilo has a weakness for young men, and her newest boy-toy Claude-Jean will do anything to become a star. M.J. Hardcastle carries a grudge against her brother and his wife, Angelina Canoli, who “wins” an award every year. Funky Brewster is absolutely adorable, or is there a nasty secret lurking under that innocent exterior? The fact is, everyone has a nasty secret. Who gets murdered? Time will tell. Who is the murderer? Who knows?


Delcambre Seafood and Farmers Market

Come shop with us on Saturday, July 6. There will be a variety of vendors, food items for lunch, live music and kid activities. ...Read more

Come shop with us on Saturday, July 6. There will be a variety of vendors, food items for lunch, live music and kid activities.


Heroes On the Water

Kappa Alpha Acadiana Alumni will be holding their Clay Shoot to benefit Heroes On the Water. Participation is in 4 person teams, entry fee $100 per person. Location is in Maurice, La at the GOL Gun ...Read more

Kappa Alpha Acadiana Alumni will be holding their Clay Shoot to benefit Heroes On the Water. Participation is in 4 person teams, entry fee $100 per person. Location is in Maurice, La at the GOL Gun Club.