Big Brothers Big Sisters of Southwest Louisiana are looking for Foster Grandparents 55 years or older, capable of working a minimum of 20 hours/week unless non-stipended, physically able to work with children in a classroom setting, be able to pass a background check, and meet income guidelines to receive a stipend. If an applicant doesn’t meet income guidelines and still want to join, they are welcome to apply.
The Foster Grandparents work with children one-on-one, helping those who are struggling with reading and math with the intention of helping them to reach grade level by grade three and to reach the “Above Basic” level on Leap and iLeap standardized tests. Along with the practical hands-on work, the grandparents also help to boost the self-esteem and self-confidence of the children that they are working with by continually praising their efforts and accomplishments, no matter how small that effort or accomplishment might be. For many of the children they work with, this praise may be the only praise they receive throughout their day, with the exception of their teachers.
Call or email Kathy Richard, Foster Grandparent Program Director, at / office: 337-478-5437, ext. 104 / cell: 337-707-4183 for an application and discussion about the program.