2023 Rayne Frog Festival Parade Grand Marshal!!!!! Nominees are now being accepted.
The Rayne Frog Festival committee is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Frog Festival Parade Grand Marshal.
The nominee should be originally from Rayne or someone from another city who has helped Rayne grow or promoted Rayne in one way or another.
Politicians on a city, parish, state and national level should be excluded unless Rayne has especially benefited from their actions. Also excluded will be elected officials or someone seeking office during an election year.
The nominee should be able to claim to have done any of the following:
· Been outstanding in the field of business and industry by promoting new business and industry in Rayne.
· Promoted Rayne and the Frog Festival over the years.
· Contributed to the young people of Rayne through organizations and/or athletic work.
· Gained regional or national recognition by one means or another.
· Been recognized as having done outstanding work through or for civic organizations.
· Made monetary contributions to Rayne where citizens, young or old have benefited.
· Been an outstanding citizen of Rayne and has unselfishly given up time to contribute toward the betterment of the community.
The city of Rayne has many outstanding citizens who may qualify for this honor, so please send in your nomination before the January 13, 2023 deadline.